Drama Ministry

Drama Ministry Comedy

Top Scripts

Newest Scripts

  • The Innkeeper's Daughter (with suggested carols)
  • Youthful Passions
  • An Unexpected Gift
  • Hold Fast
  • Idols Are Everywhere
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    Finding the Words

    • Script Topics

    A little girl gets unwanted advice from a televangelist and some stuffy Bible scholars on prayer before her dad helps her find the right words.


    • Script Topics

    A couple of coaches who decide they no longer have to teach abstinence (because it doesn't seem to make a difference) decide to loosen the rules on a football game as well, since no one's going to obey them anyway.

    Dave the Freak

    • Script Topics

    A girlfriend is stunned and a bit annoyed when she propositions her boyfriend only to have him turn her down, saying he's saving himself for marriage.

    A Politically Correct Skit

    • Script Topics

    The “Political Correctness Police” step in during a church drama to ensure that no one anywhere will offended for any reason by the drama; thus the skit ends abruptly when the Gospel message is introduced.

    A Not-So-Super Resolution

    • Script Topics

    A man's flippant New Year's resolution to become a superhero bites him back when a supervillain declares war on him.

    A Few Bucks

    • Script Topics

    A couple complains about governmental social programs and how rich people never give to charity. But when charity knocks on their door, they prove themselves to be quite stingy.

    Magic 8-Ball

    • Script Topics

      Doubts, Prayer
    A man visits his pastor for advice, but finds the counsel a bit...formulaic.
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    In Partnership With: Discover Worship


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